Tag Archives: anita burns van

My Big Fat Orange Van and Car Karma

Throughout much of my life I have had car karma. I didn’t have a new car of my own, bought with my own money, until I was in my 40s. Before that, I owned was a string of cars with, well, character. The first car I had of my own was in the early 1970s, a used Ford Fairlane of the early 1960s ilk. It was white, had tires of different sizes and treads, made funny noises, and sported Florida plates. I bought it from a newspaper classified ad for $100. I never registered it because…. Yes, I will get to the orange van in a minute…. I worked for General Telephone in Santa Monica and employees of the lower ranks, i.e. galley slaves, didn’t get parking spots. I sometimes had to park several blocks away from work. Okay, New Yorkers, laugh at that. Continue reading

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